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Petawawa Public Library Community Survey - Help Plan Our Future!

The Petawawa Public Library is looking for YOUR input for their Strategic Plan.


What’s the purpose of this survey?petawawa public library logo, bear reading a book

We are collecting information for our Strategic Plan which will help set our priorities for the library over the next four years. Your feedback is crucial and will help guide our decisions in the following areas:

  • our facilities;
  • our collections and online resources;
  • our programs and services;
  • the technology we use;
  • the partnerships we have with other community organizations;
  • and new and innovative things we might do in future to better serve our community.

By completing the survey you are helping the library plan for the future AND you will have a chance to enter their weekly draw of a $50 gift card from Hyska's Your Independent Grocer (eligible at PC grocery stores).

Take the survey today by visiting the Petawawa Public Library survey link here: