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Winter Parking & Snow Removal Restrictions


Town of Petawawa Parking By-law 257/2003, Section 2.8, states:

"No person shall park a vehicle on any highway within the municipality:

  • From 1:00 am to 7:00 am, November 15th to March 31st
  • At any time when accumulated snowfall exceeds or is expected to exceed 5 cm, or;
  • During any snow removal or clearing operation."

Failure to abide by these regulations may result in the offending vehicle being ticketed and/or towed at the owner's expense. 

Snow Removal by Residents

Town of Petawawa Snow Removal By-law 683/11 (General Prohibitions)

  • No person shall place, or cause to be placed, ice or snow from private property or from a boulevard, onto a sidewalk or traveled portion of a highway ($250.00 fine)
  • No person shall deposit, or cause to be deposited, ice or snow on a boulevard that is not directly adjacent to their property, including but not limited to snow pushed or deposited across a roadway or highway ($125.00 fine)
  • No person shall place, or cause to be placed, ice or snow from private property or from a boulevard, onto the private property of another person($125.00 fine)
  • No person shall place, or cause to be placed, ice or snow from private property or from a boulevard, in such a manner as to obstruct or hinder the access to any fire hydrant or emergency water stand within the Municipality ($500.00 fine)
  • No person shall pile, redistribute or otherwise cause the accumulation of snow on a sidewalk or traveled portion of a highway, within the municipality, in such a manner as to obstruct traffic, the view of traffic, or obstruct in any way, the movement of snow clearing equipment under the jurisdiction of the Public Works Department ($250.00 fine)
  • No person, shall move, place or operate any equipment, vehicle or material on any part of a road or highway such that damage to the road surface, curbs, sidewalks or municipal services results from their actions ($500.00 fine).

Snow Forts

As snow banks emerge throughout the Town, Public Works crews remind parents to warn children that snow forts and tunnels are extremely dangerous. 

Playing in snow forts and tunnels poses a very serious risk of snow collapsing and of trapping a child.  There is also a great danger to children playing in areas where snow removal and clearing takes place.

Waste and Recycling Pick-up

Snow banks also present problems for refuse and recycling collection crews.  Please place garbage containers, recycling and green bins five (5) feet back from the curb or pavement edge in the driveway to permit proper snow removal and avoid damage to collection containers. 

The Town of Petawawa thanks the public for its co-operation and assistance in keeping children and workers safe during the winter season.