2024 Construction Projects
The following are some identified 2024 capital projects. While not all the projects are undertaken by the Town we are providing them here as an easy resource for residents to stay informed and aware of what is happening in our community. Some of the projects will have additional pages where relevant work information can be shared, including schedule of works, notices, and contact details.
- Wolfe Avenue **Complete**
- Portage Road Phase 2 **Complete**
- Hilda Street and Lisa Crescent - outstanding works **Complete**
- Florence Street Pavement Resurfacing, from Portage Road to Hilda Street (180 metres) **Complete**
- Black Bay Road Pavement Resurfacing, completion of remaining 800 metres to Highway #17 **Complete**
- Industrial Avenue Pavement Resurfacing, from Labine Crescent to Black Bay Road (1 km) **Complete**
- Laurentian Drive Multi-Use Pathway, from Mueller Crescent to Petawawa Boulevard (550 metres) **Complete**
- Town Centre Boulevard Pedestrian Crossover **Complete**
WATER/SEWER: - Town of Petawawa
- Grit Tank Phase 2 **Project Cancelled**
ROAD REHABILITATION: - County of Renfrew
- Murphy Road Reconstruction **Complete**
Petawawa Public Works After Hours Emergency Number:
PW After Hours Emergency Line: 1-855-539-7610