The Petawawa Civic Centre Arena features an 83.5' x 183.5' ice surface. Spectator benches can accommodate up to 554 individuals. We try to open the ice seasonally the first week of October and continue maintenance of it until the last weekend of March. Between April and September, the arena floor is also available for bookings without ice.
In the winter, ice time is heavily used by local youth organizations, adult seasonal clubs, and schools. The Town also hosts public skates during the week and multiple tournaments occur throughout the year.
Rental Rates are updated annually on September 1st. Click here to view all of our rental rates!
Sponsored Skate & Advertising Opportunities
Businesses and organizations are invited to sponsor public skating. Gain exposure for your business while promoting a fun, healthy activity for families! Timings for sponsored skates can coincide with our scheduled public skates or can be during an additional time.
Advertising spaces are available on the arena boards and walls. Signs are usually 8' x 3' and have limited availability.
Please email or call 613-687-5678 x 2101 for more information.
Private Ice Rentals
There is very limited availability for private rentals, we encourage residents to take advantage of the public skating times for their recreational skating leisure or to check out our Outdoor Rink.
Before booking a private rental of the ice, please carefully review our Arena Terms & Conditions of Use. Adherence to all items is required to rent the ice. To check our ice availability, please contact our Bookings Clerk / Receptionist:
Phone: 613-687-5678 x 2101
In-Person: Visit the Recreation Office located inside the Civic Centre (open Monday - Friday from 8am - 4:30pm)
Seasonal User Groups & Tournaments
Clients can make requests for ice use directly to the Bookings Clerk by sending an email to Annually on April 1st, forms will be emailed to seasonal user groups to request the next season's ice times, with completed forms being submitted no later than April 30th. All requests received will be considered during the allocation process of creating a master schedule for the upcoming season as per the Ice Allocation Policy.
Please review our Arena Terms of Use carefully. Additionally, all community user groups and individuals planning any kind of fundraising activities or campaigns intended to take place on Town property need to review Lottery Licensing Information.
Thank you for choosing the Civic Centre for your seasonal ice rentals!