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Bear Wise


Call 911 or your local police, if you feel a bear poses an immediate threat to personal safety and:

  • enters a school yard when school is in session
  • enters or tries to enter a residence
  • wanders into a public gathering
  • kills livestock/pets and lingers at the site
  • stalks people and lingers at the site

Generally, bears want to avoid humans. Most encounters are not aggressive and attacks are rare.


Call the Bear Wise reporting line at 1-866-514-2327 (*between April 1-November 30) if a bear is:

  • roaming around, checking garbage cans
  • breaking into a shed where garbage or food is stored
  • in a tree
  • pulling down a bird feeder or knocking over a barbecue
  • moving through a backyard or field but is not lingering

* From Dec 1- March 31, please contact your local MNRF District office.

Local MNRF District Office
31 Riverside Drive,
Pembroke ON
K8A 8R6
Phone: 613-732-3661
Fax: 613-732-2972

General Facts and Information about Bears

Be Bear Wise and Prevent Bear Encounters (Ontario website)