Notice of Application and Public Meeting

In the matter of Section 34 of the Planning Act, the Town of Petawawa hereby gives NOTICE OF THE FOLLOWING:

  1. Application to amend the Zoning By-law 456/07 of the Town of Petawawa.

  1. A public meeting regarding an application for an amendment to the Zoning By-law 456/07 of the Town of Petawawa.

Subject Lands Part of Lot 13, Range C, known municipally as 2883-2889 Petawawa Boulevard, in the Town of Petawawa, as shown on the attached Key Map.

Public Meeting:  A public meeting to inform the public of the proposed zoning by-law amendment will be held on August 12, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the municipal office of the Town of Petawawa.

Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment

The purpose and effect of the amendment is to rezone the subject lands as a condition of consent to recognize existing commercial and residential uses that are currently on one lot but that are being severed to be on separately conveyable parcels of land. The amendment is to rezone the severed lands in Consent Application B150/23 from Commercial (C) to Commercial - Exception Seventeen (C-E17) to permit a reduced lot frontage of 21 metres and reduced side yard width on the north side of 2.5 metres. The retained lands in B150/23 will be rezoned from Commercial to Residential One (R1) to recognize the existing residential use.

Additional information regarding the zoning by-law amendment is available for inspection at the Town of Petawawa Municipal Office during regular office hours.

Other Applications

Consent Application B150/23 was granted on May 29, 2024 conditional on this zoning by-law amendment. The update to the Town of Petawawa Official Plan is designating the parcels appropriately without the need for an official plan amendment; the severed parcel in B150/23 (existing commercial use) is being designated Commercial and the retained parcel in B150/23 (existing residential use) is being designated Suburban. 

For more information about this matter, including information about appeal rights contact the Town of Petawawa at 1111 Victoria Street Petawawa, by phone at (613) 687-5536 or via email at .