2021 DC study cover page

This background study has been prepared pursuant to the requirements of the D.C.A. to amend the Town’s D.C. by-law. The proposed amendments relate to the removal of the 10% deduction for soft services and provide updates to the underlying D.C. eligible capital cost estimates. In addition, other proposed amendments relate to the timing and collection of D.C.s and statutory exemptions, as a result of recent changes to the D.C.A. (as summarized in Section 1.3 and 1.4 herein).

This D.C. background study and draft amending by-law will be provided to the public to provide interested parties with sufficient background information on the legislation, recommendations, and an outline of the basis for these recommendations.

The following Chapters of this Study include:

It should be noted that this Study is provided as an update to the Town’s 2019 D.C. Background Study, and as such the calculations are denominated in 2019 dollars (the Town’s D.C. Background Study cost base). The amended D.C. rates will be subsequently indexed to 2021 rates for implementation.

The notice of the Public Meeting will be advertised in accordance with the requirements of the D.C.A., i.e. 20 clear-days prior to the public meeting. This background study document will be released for public review and posted on the Town’s website in accordance with provisions of the D.C.A. on November 17, 2021. The statutory public meeting will be held on December 6, 2021. A presentation will be made to the public regarding the recommendations of this study, and Council will receive oral and written comments on the matter.

It is anticipated that Council will consider for adoption the proposed amending by-law after the 60-day period from the release of the D.C. Background Study has been satisfied. The intended date for passage of the D.C. by-law is January 17, 2022.


On Monday, December 6, 2021, the Council of the Town of Petawawa will hold a public meeting, pursuant to Section 12 of the Development Charges Act, 1997, as amended, to present and obtain public input on the Municipality’s proposed development charges by-law and underlying background study.

All interested parties are invited to attend the Public Meeting of Council and any person who attends the meeting may make representations relating to the proposed by-law and background study.  The meeting is to be held:

Monday, December 6, 2021, at 6:30 p.m.
Council Chambers
1111 Victoria Street, Petawawa, ON  K8H 2E6

Hard copies of the proposed by-law and Development Charges Background Study are available at the above location, please call ahead to request a printed copy at 613-687-5536.

Interested persons may express their comments at the Public Meeting or in writing, addressed to the Town Clerk, at the above address or by email by prior to December 6, 2021 and such written submissions will be placed before Council at the meeting. Email submissions can be sent to the Town Clerk at email@petawawa.ca