At its meeting of September 18, 2023 Council of the Corporation of the Town of Petawawa approved the recommendation from the September 11, 2023 Council-In-Committee meeting to award RFP CS-01-2023 as follows:
September 11, 2023 Council-In-Committee Meeting
Moved by: Theresa Sabourin
Seconded by: Lisa Coutu
That Council awards Petawawa Electric Ltd. the tennis court lighting contract at a cost of $94,700.00 plus HST.
Staff Report
Report # CS-08-2023 - Mary McCaw, Director of Community Services
Agenda date: September 11, 2023
That Council awards Petawawa Electric Ltd. the tennis court lighting contract at a cost of $94,700.00 plus HST.
The Town of Petawawa Civic Centre Tennis Courts are scheduled for a replacement of the tennis lighting, upgrading the existing lighting to LED. This project will reduce the number of total lights and in turn reduce costs to operate the courts. Additionally, it will improve the quality and spread of light on the court.
The Community Services Department released an RFP August 15, 2023, for interested contractors to provide proposals for the Civic Centre Tennis Lighting Project. The Town received eight (8) requests to view the RFP, and two (2) companies attended the mandatory site visit. Bidders were required to provide a quote, which included costing for the below objectives.
The quote for the project includes:
Petawawa Electric provided the sole proposal for the project. Petawawa Electric is familiar with the facility, there is a history of exceptional service and as a local business they are available to handle service calls and manage warranty. They have provided a projected completion date of November 17, 2023.
Financial Implication:
The cost of services is $9,700 above the approved budget, the quote is valid for 120 days from Sept. 1, 2023. This additional cost can be accounted for from savings on the arena lighting project or from the reserve account for the Civic Centre.