The Town of Petawawa is apart of a Joint Request for Proposal of Internet and Telephone Voting Systems.   The RFP has been posted by the administrating municipality, Township of Whitewater Region on their website for review. 

Click the link to view the RFP Listing: Township of Whitewater Region - RFP Internet & Telephone Voting Systems

RFP# MM-2025-01 Internet and Telephone Voting Systems

City of Pembroke
Town of Arnprior;
Town of Petawawa;
Town of Renfrew;
Township of Greater Madawaska;
Township of Laurentian Valley;
Township of McNab/Braeside
and, Township of Whitewater Region

The City of Pembroke; Town of Arnprior; Town of Petawawa; Town of Renfrew; Township of Greater Madawaska; Township of Laurentian Valley; Township of McNab/Braeside; and the Township of Whitewater Region are seeking proposals for an Internet and Telephone Voting System.

RFP documents can be obtained on Biddingo or by contacting Carmen Miller at

Sealed Proposals, clearly labeled “MM-2025-01 Internet and Telephone Voting Systems” with bidder name and address will be received at Township of Whitewater Region Municipal Office, 44 Main Street, Cobden, Ontario, K0J 1K0 or electronic submission on Biddingo no later than:

3:00:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME, TUESDAY April 22, 2025

Any inquiries in regard to this request for proposal may be directed by electronic mail with the subject heading “MM-2025-01 Internet & Telephone Voting Services” to Carmen Miller at

The lowest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted by The Municipalities.  The Municipalities reserves the right to award one of the options.

Carmen Miller, Clerk
Township of Whitewater Region
44 Main Street Box 40
Cobden On K0J 1K0
Telephone: (613) 646-2282