Shop Petawawa is an interactive platform where the public can discover, navigate and shop the offerings and promotions of our Petawawa businesses. Simply select any scrolling image, on any page, to be connected with that business's media platform. Navigate the categories on the left to find direct business contact information and click on the storyboard to see about business openings and successes in our community.
The campaign offers the following ways to support:
1. Think Local
2. Think Renfrew County
3. Think Canadian
4. Show Your Support
Canadian Products
Under the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act, an item labelled "Product of Canada” means at least 98 percent of the total direct costs of producing the item were incurred in Canada.
An item labelled “Made in Canada” means more than half of total direct costs, a minimum of 51%, of producing the item were incurred in Canada.
The following websites are great resources for consumers and businesses interested in supporting and promoting Ontario and Canadian-made and manufactured products.
Ontario Made* –
Made in Canada* –
List your business resources
* If you are an Ontario-based manufacturer, list your business with Ontario Made.
* If you are an Ontario-based retailer, list your retail business with Ontario Made.
* If you are a Canadian company, learn more about listing your business.