Public Services and Procurement Canada is asking interested parties to submit a response by March 27th, 2025, with respect to providing warehouse space for lease in Petawawa for a 10-year term with options to renew starting in 2028.
Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) is asking interested parties to provide information for a potential lease of space that meets the following criteria:
Section A: Accommodation Requirements
- a lease term of approximately Ten (10) years, commencing on or about September 1, 2028, plus options to extend the lease for two (2) additional periods of five (5) years each;
- approximately 8,000 usable square metres (um2 ) of continuous warehouse space with 8,000 m2 secured exterior compound, and adequate visitor parking spaces in front of the warehouse
The proposed space should satisfy or be capable of satisfying the following criteria:
- warehouse must be contiguous and located on the ground floor;
- warehouse must have a clear height of 7.3 metres minimum and be climate controlled;
- warehouse must have the capacity to accommodate truck level loading docks c/w
- dock levelers and grade level drive-in doors;
- secured exterior compound must be adjacent to the warehouse space;
- access to the lands, exterior compound, warehouse loading docks and drive-in doors must accommodate sufficient maneuvering for a truck with a 53 foot trailer;
- warehouse and site must be fully accessible to persons with disabilities including a provision for accessible visitor parking adjacent to the warehouse main entrance;
- dimensions of the proposed spaces must be compatible for efficient design and use;
- surrounding lands and buildings must be compatible with the proposed use;
- the lands shall be capable of accommodating perimeter fencing; and
- the lands shall be capable of being fully serviced and accessible by all utilities including fibre and telephony services;
The proposed space must be located within the following boundaries:
North: Paquette Road (County Road 55)
South: Forest Lea Road (County Road 42)
East: Petawawa Blvd / Pembroke St. West (County Road 51)
West: Highway 17 (Trans-Canada Hwy)
Interested parties are requested to submit their response by March 27, 2025, in writing to the following
Public Services and Procurement Canada
10th Floor – 4900 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario M2N 6A6
Attention: Abby Ogunleye
or by facsimile to 416-952-1258
or by email to the contact listed below in Section G.
Please indicate File No. 132808 on all correspondence.
For more information, please contact Abby Ogunleye, Leasing Project Manager by phone at 647-825-5652 or by email to:
Note that this is not a tender process, nor a request for proposal, but only an inquiry as to the availability of space to lease. PSPC will not necessarily invite offers, or lease any space, and may not post any future ads related to this request. The information provided through this EOI may be included in a source list of available space and PSPC may issue an invitation to tender for other leasing requirements based on this information, or based on any other information which may come to its attention prior to an issuance of an invitation to tender; or it may invite offers by way of public tender. PSPC reserves the right to proceed with an Invitation to Offer to Lease by inviting only parties deemed to most effectively meet specific operational, security and public safety requirements.